"Tv House-Lider"
+38 (095) 797-21-21
+38 (093) 797-21-21
LCD Segment.
Odessa, Seaside district
from 838 $ / м2
from 24302 грн / м2
- usd
- грн
Completion of construction | 1 квартал 2022 y. |
Floors | 8 |
1-room | from 28 for 31 sq.m. |
2-room | from 61 for 64 sq.m. |
+38 (098) 797-21-21+38 (095) 797-21-21
+38 (093) 797-21-21
LCD "Segment" from the Empirestate Developer's company is a cozy accommodation in the prosperous quiet area of Odessa, which can be purchased at an affordable price. If you dream about a bright spacious apartment, a comfortable courtyard and a small number of neighbors, a LCD "Segment" - what is needed.
The house is being built in compliance with the monolithic framework technology of construction. The walls consist of a gas block and insulation (mineral wool). Upon learning of the enlarged windows of panoramic type, some owners are experiencing about heating costs and temperature in the apartment in the autumn-winter period.
Hurry to assure that panoramic glazing does not deliver trouble to the residents, since the developer worked on the installation of energy-saving double-glazed windows. A separate boiler house for residents of the house, located on the roof of the building, allows you to completely get rid of doubts about the comfort in the cold season.
The residential complex is located on Szeged Street, not far from the city center. The distance is designed so that the tenants can enjoy all the advantages of social, transport, shopping and entertainment infrastructure, and at the same time enjoy a quiet life, away from increased traffic.
among the benefits of the location of the house:
the possibility of check-in from two streets - Segėda and Army;
good distance between houses;
Protection of the complex, due to location in the depths of the yard;
Excellent transportation junction.
In addition, within walking distance of the LCD are supermarkets, park areas, schools and kindergartens.
Floor at home and apartment device
LCD "Segment" is a five-story building with one parade and two elevators (for passengers and goods). A pleasant feature of the complex - the presence of an autonomous boiler room. So the owners of apartments do not have to worry about the timely beginning of the heating season. In addition, residents will be able to independently control heat consumption by setting a special counter at initial repair. Increased panoramic windows, glazed loggias and balconies will make a living space of one of the brightest and most comfortable in Odessa.
As for the device of apartments, the developer offers 1-bedroom and 2-bedroom options. The height of the ceilings reaches three meters, which opens up many opportunities for designer experiments. The smallest tenants of the house will be able to spend great time at the playground. The developers and on motorists thought - closed parkings are provided on the territory of the LCD.
to live near the city center, but at the same time be able to enjoy silence. Getting to shopping center, school or clinic on foot, but at the same time have access to park zones for walking in the fresh air. Is it possible? Yes, if you purchased an apartment in the LCD "Segment". Near the house there are Victory and Cosmonauts Parks, as well as several kindergartens, schools and medical centers.
Want to get out on the city beach? Sea waves and sandy shore are waiting for you just a few minutes drive around the Fountain Road or Calval Street. Near the residential complex, the tram line passes, as well as the routes of trolley buses and route taxis. Perhaps fast and comfortable movement to any point of the city. So, the road to the train station or the Cathedral Square will take an average of 15 minutes.
Termination deadline is scheduled for the third quarter of 2021.
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Для тысяч одесситов и тех, кто хочет ими стать, квартиры в строящихся домах Одессы — не просто квадратные метры, а новые возможности для исполнения самых заветных желаний. Всем, кто ищет свою первую квартиру или расширяет жилплощадь в ожидании прибавления семьи, кто мечтает поселиться на берегу Черного моря или хочет сделать выгодную инвестицию в недвижимость, мы поможем отыскать и купить квартиры от самых лучших строительных компаний Одессы.
Правильный выбор
Светлое, просторное жилье в красивом современном доме, построенном по самым новейшим технологиям — это реально достижимая цель для всех наших клиентов. Мы подыскиваем оптимальные варианты, используя проверенную временем концепцию «Правильный выбор». Она включает тщательный анализ застройщиков и их предложений с целью выбрать лучшие. Наш клиент получает полное сопровождение сделки, подбор наиболее выгодной рассрочки для покупки новостройки.
Откройте для себя динамичный, яркий, полный возможностей мир недвижимости Одессы и его окрестностей в сопровождении лучших экспертов по новостройкам!
Что получают клиенты корпорации агентств недвижимости
- свежую и проверенную информацию обо всех новостройках Одессы и его пригорода;
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- консультации ведущих экспертов в области недвижимости;
- помощь в оформлении документов на рассрочку и покупку жилья.
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